Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Garden Party

Yesterday we had a garden party. This poor party was shifted around so much, I guess I wasn't surprised when only 2 other moms made it. But this was a fun thing to do with the kids. We went outside (which was a miracle that it was nice), and we painted flower pots. I have TONS of acrylic paint and foam brushes from B.C. (before children), and have been collecting stickers for fun projects. So I just laid out some old blankets for us to sit on, put my old Starbucks aprons on the kids, and headed outside to paint. The kids all had a great time and actually did really well with the paints. It was the first time my kids had ever used paints and L is hooked! Today he woke up and was asking to go out back and paint again. Looks like I better get some finger paints! When we were all done painting we headed inside to eat some dirt cake and get cleaned up a little. After snacks we headed back outside to fill up our pots with dirt and I put the seeds in the kids pots. I think the mom's had just as much fun as the kids. I did have to laugh because it figures my 2 would stick the brush in their mouths! They also painted right over their right eyes and it had to be with the shiny, glittery blue paint. L looked like he had eyeshadow on, so I started to call him Bowie for the day. D still has some blue paint in her hair on the tips, it actually looks kinda cute.

So my pictures are in reverse order, but I'm too lazy right now to fix it.

I did it!

L getting wild with the colors

Look mom!

About to paint her shoe instead

L really loved doing this!

My little Starbucks Barista

The coffee master!


Anonymous said...

Looks like great fun! I love all the different shapes and sizes of the pots.

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