Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Last day of 2nd and 3rd grade

The last week of school this year was a bit different. Adam was away on a work trip the whole week in Rome, so I had to do it all by myself. Luckily for us, maybe not for him, the time changed allowed us to Facetime with him every night at dinner time for us (midnight for him).

L had his awards on a Friday this year. As always each student was called up by their teacher and given an award. This year's theme was unforgettable. L was unforgettable because of" his insatiable curiosity and being the resident expert on all things Harry Potter or Cub Scouts." After all the awards were handed out, the kids sang a song about good bye friends we will see each other again. For me tears were flowing because my kids are transferring to a different school next year but they will join this group of kids in middle school a few years from now.

D's awards were on the following Monday morning. Just like brother, all the kids were called up and given awards. D was given the Life Skill of problem solving and perfect attendance. After it was all done, the kids sang "This little light of mine", and again a few tears were shed by me.

The final day of school had come, and these two were ready for Fun in the Sun which is like a giant field day!

My friend took this one of D during her class' dance and song they performed.

As I have done each year on the last day, I put together a kick off to summer bucket that they find in their seat at the end of the day. These were packed with new books, bubbles, silly string, coloring books, little activities, new sand shovels and more.

I also had balloons hanging out the windows and blasting Kids Bop music. There were kids dancing in front of my car again.

And as always, the silly string came out as soon as we were home.

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