Sunday, August 21, 2011

Trying new fruits!

Adam and I started a tradition years ago that every once in awhile, we head to the produce section of our local grocery store, and pick out a fruit or two that we have never tried before. Most times it is met with some, um shall we say, disgust. We rarely find one that we want to try again. This time we included the kids in our adventure. We took them and told them to each pick out one they had never tried. For some reason, they chose a fresh pineapple.  We get at least 1 per summer, I guess they forgot. We also picked up a lemon drop melon, tamarillo, and I found 1 lonely starfruit on the discount rack. We had a yummy dinner of salad and bread sticks, and then topped it off with our discovery for dessert. L and I both were not really fans of any of it other than the pineapple. Adam was able to enjoy all of it, but D couldn't stop. She kept asking for more of everything! She is our more adventurous eater out of the two.

Our bounty before cutting
 D really enjoying the tamarillo!
 L was a bit more hesitant.

L happily trying the star fruit

Yummy star fruit


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