Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Valentine's breakfast

So for a late Valentine's day breakfast the week after, I made heart shaped pancakes, topped with strawberries and powdered sugar. I used Tastefully Simple Mulling spices in some cran-apple juice and warmed that up. I got the kids books from Borders for dirt cheap ($3.99 for a good size book!), and chocolate hearts from Walgreens (2/ $2.99!). The mailboxes I found in the dollar section and decorated them for each member of the family (thanks for the idea Abby!). And then I made little Valentine's day cards for each of them out of the scrapbooking paper that I have laying around the house. It made for a very cheap Valentine's day, and I am thinking of waiting to do it the weekend after every year now to save a ton on money.

To make heart shaped pancakes: I found a cheap plastic ketchup bottle at Meijer for $1, and use pancake mix like Bisquick or Aldi's brand. Mix it up and pour it into the ketchup bottle. Then you can use it to make all different shapes, letters, and numbers. The first time I used it we made the kids names in pancakes. They thought it was awesome and ate more than they normally do.


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